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Search for Articles with Google Scholar

The Catholic University library catalog and many of the article databases Catholic University subscribes to are accessible through Google Scholar.

On-campus access

Visit http://scholar.google.com and begin searching. You're good to go!

Off-campus access

If you are off campus you will need to set the preferences so that Google will show you the resources that Catholic University provides.

  1. Go to http://scholar.google.com
  2. Look at the left corner menu icon and click Settings from the menu.
  3. Click on Library Links from the navbar along the side of the page.
  4. Enter CUA in the text field next to Library Links then click on the Search button.
  5. Check the box in the front of our university name, then click Save in the lower right corner.
Searching with Google Scholar

Within Google Scholar you may conduct searches by keyword, author and article title. There is also an advanced search with more options. In the result list, when you see ViewIt@CatholicU, that means we have access to the electronic copy for the article. Click on ViewIt@CatholicU, the next page will show that item in our SearchBox with a link to the full text.

Google Scholar is good for conducting simple searches across a broad number of databases. For complex or in depth searching we recommend that you search individual subject databases.

Google Scholar™ is a trademark of Google Inc.

© 1887-2021 The Catholic University of America
