
This strategy game is gonna be so awesome you won't play another anymore.😉😉😉


This is a game made from players by players.

We have recently launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign here. It is about a medieval mmorts game that will give their players the ability not only to enjoy their free time but also earn real 
money from it.
The project is in concept stage. Game design document has been written. We 
need the funding for hiring a team of coders,graphic designers and buy extremely good servers so the game doesnt crash or has problems.

WE are bringing a revolutionary FEATURE to these kind of games, which is the ability for players to trade the items they don't use for real money.
YES YES you read it right REAL MONEY will be earned.
Check the other outstanding features we plan on bringing to this game HERE

You can help us by donating to our campaign and for every donation you make we will make sure you get twice back as soon as we manage to launch the game

One last thing.

Maybe you can not donate to our campaign as much as you would love to. Here is an awesome thing.
Go to the campaign generate your referral link and share it with your friends and whatever amount your friends will donate you will get that amount in gift cards to spend in game

If you have a suggestion for a feature you might like go to our facebook fanpage and contact us so we can share with the community and discuss about it here

Ask us any questions you want we will answer without hesitation.

Copyright © *2019* *Medieval Generals*, All rights reserved.

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